Is the sun shining on new energy sources?

January 27, 2020

Although the European Union (EU) seems to be on track to meet this year’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction target of 20% compared to 1990 levels, it is currently not projected to achieve the 2030 targets. In line with the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015, these targets relate to domestic GHG emissions, the share of renewable energy sources and energy efficiencyi . Hence, radical change is required and we all need to do our bit. With road transport accounting for approximately 20% of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions in the EU alone, the mobility sector can play an important role in helping to accomplish the environmental targets.


Canadian Solar Industries Association

CanSIA is a national trade association that represents the solar energy industry throughout Canada. Since 1992, CanSIA has worked to develop a strong, efficient, ethical and professional Canadian solar energy industry with capacity to provide innovative solar energy solutions and to play a major role in the global transition to a sustainable, clean-energy future.

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Sustainability and eCommerce

whitePaper | May 7, 2022

With the unprecedented shift toward online channels, and rising conservation and climate change concerns, organizations are actively exploring ways to adopt sustainable models for their eCommerce business. Aware consumers are making sustainable choices and are ready to make impactful changes to their habits from ‘right now’ delivery to no-plastic packaging.

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Deeper waters, stronger winds

whitePaper | October 18, 2022

The world is faced with three global and interconnected crises: An energy crisis, led by supply disruption and skyrocketing costs of energy; a climate crisis, caused by our historic and current greenhouse gas emissions; and a biodiversity crisis, marked by habitat degradation and biodiversity loss. These megatrends influence and exacerbate each other, making it imperative to consider them together when developing effective responses.

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An energy transformation plan for the climate emergency

whitePaper | January 30, 2020

This report presents one strand of the pathway to a genuinely sustainable future. It is not, as so many other reports have been, about “green growth projects”. Rather, the ambition is to propose a quite different way of life that will deliver a different kind of prosperity, one that prioritises wellbeing and builds resilience via a localised circular economy.

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Renewable Energy Driving the Energy Transition

whitePaper | May 17, 2022

The Paris Agreementnobjectives can be met through a global transformation of the energy system towards clean energy This requires significant scaling-up of renewable energydeployment, enhanced energy efficiency, and electrification of enduse sectors

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Decarbonized Resilience - The Brattle Group Report

whitePaper | December 17, 2021

A critical question facing facility and plant operators of large energy usage manufacturers is whether the same level of local community resilience provided by diesel backup generators can be achieved through economical microgrid alternatives that are more consistent with clean energy goals. In this report from Enchanted Rock, The Brattle Group examines detailed data comparing the feasibility, economics, and GHG emissions of several alternative microgrid systems commonly considered for resilience purposes.

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whitePaper | November 29, 2019

Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) to determine the potential opportunity for integrating renewable energy into industrial process heat applications in Australia. This report documents the analysis undertaken by ITP in conjunction with Pitt&Sherry, the Institute for Sustainable Futures, Sustainability Advice Team and Beyond Zero Emissions. It highlights technology options for renewable process heat applications across Australian industries and provides indicative cost estimates for renewable energy compared with fossil energy.

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Canadian Solar Industries Association

CanSIA is a national trade association that represents the solar energy industry throughout Canada. Since 1992, CanSIA has worked to develop a strong, efficient, ethical and professional Canadian solar energy industry with capacity to provide innovative solar energy solutions and to play a major role in the global transition to a sustainable, clean-energy future.
