
Avalon Park Group Enters the US Market for Renewable Energy with Large Photovoltaic Farm

Avalon Park Group has entered a buy contract for 6,253 sections of land in Volusia County. The property is found around 5 miles west of Avalon Park Daytona Beach on State Road 40, west of Interstate 95, separated by West Granada Boulevard/State Road 40 and is neighboring the Tiger Bay State Forest.

Avalon Park Group has shaped a global consortium with Switzerland and Singapore based accomplices to bring a 300+ megawatt photovoltaic energy homestead to Volusia County. "Using the bountiful regular asset of the Sunshine State permits us to make a photovoltaic homestead at a scale that won't just help the supportability of the Avalon Park Daytona Beach Community, yet in addition gives an environmentally friendly power source to the whole locale to use," says Beat Kahli, CEO, Avalon Park Group.

The organization's vision to make sound, supportable networks' goes back 35 years to one of its first tasks, the Comino Hotels in Malta, where sun oriented energy was utilized. Avalon Park Group has since been occupied with other maintainability adventures including lumber, agribusiness innovation and other sun powered ventures in Germany and Switzerland.

Extra supportability plans incorporate a biomass and agrivoltaic ranch, a high level wetland treatment park to help with treating the overabundance greywater that has been a long-lasting provincial issue. Extra plans incorporate an agrihood, forest area, provincial sporting luxuries, and moreover to guarantee the protection of existing wetlands and open space.

"Environmentally friendly power as photovoltaic is the place where the energy market is moving to," says Beat Kahli, CEO, Avalon Park Group. "We are not entering this market in the US with our Swiss and Asian Partners on account of a shortage of fossil energies like gas, coal or oil, it is only a thought for which the opportunity has arrived. Also, the world didn't move out of the stone age in light of the absence of stone, but since of the bounty of new and better assets."

This land improves the maintainability plans of Avalon Park Group inside Volusia County which right now incorporates plans for a minimal, walkable, blended use and interconnected town where everybody can Live, Learn, Work and Play.



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