State regulators sign off on New York wind farm

A key New York energy regulator has approved an 101.8-MW wind farm planned in the southwestern section of the state. The Eight Point Wind facility will be built in Steuben County. The New York State Board of Electric Generation Siting and the Environment approved construction after a lengthy review process, Board Chair John B. Rhodes said. “In keeping with Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s goal to develop clean energy resources in New York State and nation-leading Green New Deal, we are proud to approve construction of this appropriately sited wind farm,” Rhodes added. “Wind energy is a clean fuel source. It doesn't pollute the air like power plants that rely on fossil fuels, and it’s renewable.” Eight Point will consist of 31 wind turbines on leased or purchased land across the towns of Greenwood and West Union. Developer Eight Wind LLC also will construct about 17 miles of 115-kV transmission line interconnecting the project with New York State Electric & Gas Corp.’s 115-kV Bennett substation in Hornellsville.



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