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Keith Bastian

With over 25 years in the heating industry, Keith Bastian, CEO of rising independent Outfox the Market. In 2009, the owners of Fischer Future Heat, Keith and Maria Bastian, decided to bring German manufactured heating to the UK. Their passion for bringing efficient and economical heating to the British market has led them on a journey which has seen them buy out the German manufacturer, Fischer, and grow the company in to a household name that has now installed over 250,000 heaters in UK homes.


Outfox the Market

Outfox the Market (OTM) is a renewable energy supplier that aims to tackle the monopoly of the ‘Big Six’ energy providers. Core to its ethos is a ‘clean energy’ approach – for every unit of electricity taken from the grid, the firm replaces this with a unit generated from a renewable source. The wind energy is generated off the shores of the UK, with over 100,000 customers benefiting from the low-cost energy supply.

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