May 6, 2019

Solar energy defivesf tom the sun's radiation, absorbed and generated bythe solar panels. When switching. solar power, consumers can choose between a grid-tied or an oft-grid solar system. Grid-fled is common among solar system owners es Compared grid-tied system, they can rely on the power grid Mang with Ma rest of this type of solar power relies on the city while an off the grid solar system means users batteries to store the electricity are independent at providing power to their home. harnessed by the solar panels.



Climate-KIC is the EU’s largest public private partnership addressing climate change through innovation to build a zero carbon economy.

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Infographic | March 6, 2020

Today, more than ever before in U.S. history, renewable energy has proven capable of powering not just the U.S., but the entire world too! A decade ago, it would have been unrealistic to think renewable energy could surpass fossil fuels, but in 2019, renewable energy supplied more power to America’s grid than coal.

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Mega trends in wind energy technology

Infographic | June 8, 2021

Infographic onMega trends in wind energy technology.

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New Year's Resolutions for a Clean Energy Future

Infographic | February 11, 2020

Whether you’re looking for easy, moderate or advanced resolutions, there are countless ways to make the clean energy future- Opens in new window a reality. Some of our favorite and most cost-effective resolutions include planting a tree, riding your bike to work, or combining online orders to cut down on air pollution from shipping. And while these simple actions may seem small, they make a big difference.

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Infographic | January 21, 2020

States and regions are key to tackling climate change and have set themselves ambitious targets states and regions are important climate actors and their position means they have the power to make key decisions in policy areas such as: state and regional governments are at the frontline of cutting emissions to meet regional and national targets. To meet these targets, state and regional governments need to be equipped to measure and record their emissions in regional greenhouse gas inventories.

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The State of Sustainable Business 2019

Infographic | December 18, 2019

Companies citing Climate Change as a ‘very significant’ sustainability focus jumped dramatically in 2019, increasing 14 percentage points to 52 percent. Climate Change, Ethics and Integrity, and Diversity and Inclusion continue to be the top overall priorities, as they were in 2018.

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14 Alternative Energy Sources That Can Make a Difference

Infographic | December 20, 2019

In the energy sector, fossil fuel sources have been the main energy source due to their relatively low price. However, our energy demand is predicted to rise in the future, and we can no longer rely on finite and polluting energy sources. In the last decade, we have seen a positive shift towards expanding our renewable energy capacity, both on a local and global level.

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Climate-KIC is the EU’s largest public private partnership addressing climate change through innovation to build a zero carbon economy.
