August 6, 2019

Have enough solar panels to capture the solar radiation required Batteries to store the energy produced by solar panels One solar controller that prevents the batteries to have power when it reaches its max. load It is necesarj a suitable place for the installation, where the solar panels can stay without shadow An inverter to convert the direct power into alternating power, to be used in consumer devices.


APsystems Solar

APsystems offers advanced, powerful solar microinverter technology for residential and commercial systems. The APsystems Solar Solution combines highly efficient power inversion with a user-friendly monitoring interface to bring you reliable, intelligent energy. Our proprietary system architecture increases solar harvest and ensures maximum output for solar arrays, and we continue to develop new technologies and products for the marketplace.

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Infographic | February 26, 2020

The European Union is committed to becoming the first climate neutral continent by 2050. This will require a transformation of our energy system which accounts for more than 75% of our greenhouse gas emissions.

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The new energy era’s

Infographic | December 13, 2019

The world is rapidly shifting to renewable energy technologies. Battery minerals are set to become the new oil, with lithium-ion battery supply chains becoming the new pipelines. The U.S. economy ground to a halt when gas prices soared during the 1973 oil crisis—altering consumer behavior and energy policy for generations. In the aftermath of the crisis, the government imposed national speed limits to conserve oil, and also demanded cheaper, smaller and more fuel-efficient cars.

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Infographic: A New Global Wind Energy Atlas

Infographic | May 13, 2021

To maximize the return of investment, the design of a wind turbine is determined on the 50-year return period of sustained wind speed. Stable and consistent wind speed is one of the major determining factors when considering turbine design and wind turbine farm placement. Cornell researchers Sara C. Pryor, professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, and Rebecca J. Barthelmie, professor in the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, recently released a new global wind atlas—a digital compendium of sites around the world with extreme wind speeds.

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Infographic | December 9, 2019

Green Technologies can benefit from special mechanisms that expedite the processing of applications. This means less time to obtain the patent and the opportunity to start selling/licensing your technology sooner. Obtain an exclusive right to exclude your competitors from commercially exploiting your invention. Protect a product or a process that provides a new way of doing something g or offers a new technical solution to a technical problem.

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Smart Energy Solutions – Globally Preventing Energy Wastage

Infographic | December 26, 2019

The advent of IoT in the energy sector has enabled the emergence of smart energy solutions that are revolutionizing the complete sector of energy utility. Internet of Things with its advanced features has offered the energy industry the capabilities to optimally manage their assets, monitor the energy consumption, and fulfill the ever-changing energy demands. However, the biggest benefit that IoT offer is the ability to decrease energy wastage.

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What Are the Five Major Types of Renewable Energy?

Infographic | June 28, 2022

Renewable energy technologies harness the power of the sun, wind, and heat from the Earth’s core, and then transforms it into usable forms of energy like heat, electricity, and fuel.

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APsystems Solar

APsystems offers advanced, powerful solar microinverter technology for residential and commercial systems. The APsystems Solar Solution combines highly efficient power inversion with a user-friendly monitoring interface to bring you reliable, intelligent energy. Our proprietary system architecture increases solar harvest and ensures maximum output for solar arrays, and we continue to develop new technologies and products for the marketplace.
