Solar Market Parity Portugal - Status, Challenges & Opportunities

Solar market parity is on the horizon for Portugal, and if expansion can take place without subsidies, the solar industry’s future should be bright. This said, reality is always more complicated than theory. Marco Alves, Co-Founder & General Manager at MTX Solar, was joined by João Garrido, Founder of Caparica Solaris, and Thomas Bonnicel, Project Manager at Solarplaza, to discuss the challenges and opportunities in Portugal's solar market and its emerging PPA sector.
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Streamline your offshore wind farm design, planning and certification

Watch this webinar to hear industry experts share their experiences in specific design innovations and challenges in designing offshore wind turbine platforms. Learn how to avoid certification, construction, and operational problems across the project lifecycle. Learn how you can lower your CAP
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Winning 100% Renewable Energy in the 2019 Virginia Legislative Session

Food & Water Watch

Winning 100% Renewable Energy in the 2019 Virginia Legislative Session We'll walk through our plans for the 2019 Virginia legislative session, with a specific focus on the People's Clean Energy bill, which would require that energy utilities like Dominion invest $1 billion into a state agency fund that would grant money to public institutions like schools, government-owned buildings, and religious institutions to install solar panels. Join us to learn how you can help with our future lobby days in Richmond, as well as events across the state!
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Powering Renewables: Women in Solar Energy


The International Solar Energy Society envisions a world with 100% renewable energy for everyone used wisely and efficiently and one of the biggest steps towards achieving this goal is the empowerment of women working in solar research, development and the solar industries. As the largest international solar organization worldwide, ISES is committed to equality and sees it as one of the integral pillars to a successful energy transition.
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Why subsidy-free solar is easy: a discussion on the new reality


The paradigm of large-scale solar is in the midst of radical changes due to the advent of solar market parity, or in other words, the rise of unsubsidized solar projects. This interactive webinar serves as a platform to learn more about how the development of solar is progressively becoming easier, from a wide variety of angles. Interest of different countries in renewable energies Money from investment funds Interest of investors Consciousness of a clean world Technical, legal and commercial knowledge of companies
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