A Cost-Benefit Look at Renewable Energy Standards

State renewable energy mandates, also called renewable portfolio standards (RPS), are helping to drive substantial increases in renewable energy production. As the share of electricity produced by renewable sources rises, many are interested in the effect that these policies are having on retail electricity rates.
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Tracking Clean Energy Progress 2018

International Energy Agency

The IEA’s newly-enhanced Tracking Clean Energy Progress (TCEP) provides a comprehensive and rigorous assessment of a full range of energy technologies and sectors that are critical in a global clean-energy transition. It includes the most up-to-date information for where technologies are today and where they need to be according to the IEA’s Sustainable Development Scenario, a pathway to reach the Paris Agreement well below 2°C climate goal, deliver universal energy access and significantly lower air pollution.
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100% Renewable Energy: A reality across the world

International Renewable Energy Agency

Converting our energy system towards 100% renewable energy is about more than replacing fossil fuel with sun and wind as new energy sources. The true transformation starts in the fundamental way our energy system is structured. This webinar outlines opportunities, strategies and presents case studies from across the world that show that 100% renewable energy – in close conjunction with energy efficiency & conservation – is technically doable, economically viable and socially advantageous.
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HVDC for sustainable energy systems

The grid is facing new challenges with rapid increase in demand and higher shares of renewable generation in order to reach Net Zero by 2050.​ In this new environment where balancing supply and demand becomes more challenging, power flows are often changing rapidly, and resilience and stability of the grid becomes at stake, interconnections becomes essential. ​
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Energy Sector Transformation

Ever Green Energy

Grid transformation Electrification The role of district energy in electrification Renewable thermal energy Market sensitivities and anticipated triggers Energy policy Distributed energy Dynamic load modeling and grid flexibility Community-scale energy systems and planning Emerging and disruptive technology
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