The 2018 Tax Plan has some unexpected benefits for commercial solar. Commercial solar installers can now depreciate 85% of the system cost in the first year of its operation, and the corporate tax rate has been lowered by 40%. In a year where there has been a lot of negative policy news for the solar industry, the new tax bill is some welcome good news. In this webinar we will design a simple commercial solar installation, and we will calculate the financial returns of cash and loan financed projects. Finally, we will give some steps on ways to sell solar under the new tax plan.
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The GEOENVI project has the objective to make sure that deep geothermal energy can play its role in Europe’s future energy supply in an increasingly sustainable way and to create a robust strategy to answer environmental concerns. It will engage with all geothermal stakeholders to ensure the exchange of best practices, the test of harmonized methods in selected areas and then, to facilitate its replication across Europe. The project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020
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Cities can lead in the clean energy transition, boost the local solar market and save on electricity bills by powering their own operations with solar energy. Installing solar arrays on municipal roofs is the most visible way to set an example, but where on-site solar is not feasible, cities can still use off-site solar power to accomplish their goals. This webinar, the third in Environment America's Mayors for Solar Energy webinar series, will feature renewable energy experts and communities that have succeeded in powering a significant share of their operations with solar energy. Topics will include the benefits of solar for cities, processes for going solar, and tips and resources.
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Clean Energy Group
State decarbonization goals and visions for large-scale electrification of the thermal and transportation sectors necessitate increased and accelerated deployment of renewable and distributed energy resources (DERs). The existing electrical infrastructure and supporting interconnection and permitting processes will need to be updated to support efficient and cost-effective renewable energy deployment at scale. Common challenges that increase the cost of integrating renewables include mismatches in timing between renewable energy production and peak electricity consumption, as well as the physical distance between large renewable energy systems and electric load centers.
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