Watch our interactive webinar with industry experts to learn how manufacturing and other process industries can use the power of technology to accelerate their sustainability path. During this webinar, you will learn new techniques for raising your ESG efforts while maximizing your efficacy
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Learn how up-to-date HD aerial imagery can help you with prospecting, quoting, designing, installing and maintaining PV systems. This webinar will highlight the use of how aerial imagery integrates with leading PV design platforms, and how having the most recent property location content aids in both the strategy and tactical side of your business. Project managers, designers, and contractors rely on high-res 2D orthomosaics, oblique aerial imagery, and 3D location content to unlock insights, streamline worksite operations, and communicate with confidence.
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Solar market parity is on the horizon for Portugal, and if expansion can take place without subsidies, the solar industry’s future should be bright. This said, reality is always more complicated than theory. Marco Alves, Co-Founder & General Manager at MTX Solar, was joined by João Garrido, Founder of Caparica Solaris, and Thomas Bonnicel, Project Manager at Solarplaza, to discuss the challenges and opportunities in Portugal's solar market and its emerging PPA sector.
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The Office of Indian Energy, in partnership with the Western Area Power Administration, hosted a webinar titled “Utility-Scale Energy Development” on Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2018. In this webinar, attendees will hear about common challenges faced by tribes for utility-scale energy development, and ideas for how to approach these challenges. Speakers included Megan Day from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Glenn Steiger from Navajo Tribal Utility Authority.
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