Drowning in solar data, but starving for knowledge?

Solar professionals from 32 countries have signed up to attend this webinar demonstrating the worldwide need for effective solar data solutions. Join us for this important conversation! Is your solar PV data providing actionable knowledge to ensure solar profits? How are the different aspects of your portfolio management (e.g. operations, maintenance and asset management) being served by analytics? This webinar addresses the challenges, solutions and case studies related to solar data generation and intelligence for operations, maintenance and PV management. Data options will grow in size and complexity as it’s generated out of 70.8 gigawatts annually by 2018.* This interactive webinar format will give attendees an opportunity to learn from peers as we seek to uncover opportunities to turn solar “big data” into an integrated solar operating expense reducing machine.
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Use of Operating Agreements and Energy Storage to Reduce Photovoltaic Interconnection Costs

Clean Energy Group

State decarbonization goals and visions for large-scale electrification of the thermal and transportation sectors necessitate increased and accelerated deployment of renewable and distributed energy resources (DERs). The existing electrical infrastructure and supporting interconnection and permitting processes will need to be updated to support efficient and cost-effective renewable energy deployment at scale. Common challenges that increase the cost of integrating renewables include mismatches in timing between renewable energy production and peak electricity consumption, as well as the physical distance between large renewable energy systems and electric load centers.
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Integrating large scale renewables using microgrids


Grid-connected microgrids hold the potential to facilitate the integration of renewable energy generation without expensive grid reinforcements, improve energy efficiency, resiliency and most importantly cut on costs and carbon. With an increasing number of distributed energy resources and dropping costs of energy storage, balancing energy supply and demand on a local level can create a variety of advantages. Wouter Vermeiden, Manager Business Development at ZOWN, and Demijan Panic, Innovation at E.ON, were joined by Thomas Boersma, Project Manager at Solarplaza, to explore opportunities for grid-connected microgrids.
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Siobhan and Nicolas will focus on the complementarity of PV and storage as a brick toward 100% renewable energy generation from the perspective of a technical and commercial advisor. Important technical aspects will be covered, such as grid connection, capex and opex savings. They will also look at the emergence of DC coupling, its advantages and limitations. Finally, to provide a wider overview of the subject from an investor perspective, Romain will discuss the specificities of project financing of hybrid PV + storage assets, such as the revenue stack, how investors view these and how the co-location can build a stronger case. A mixture of presentations and a moderated panel shall make this an interesting and interactive event.
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2019 Sustainable Energy in America Factbook

Clean Energy Business Network

Produced by Bloomberg New Energy Finance and the Business Council for Sustainable Energy, the Factbook provides new industry information and trends on the U.S. energy economy, with an in-depth look at the energy efficiency, natural gas, and renewable energy sectors as well as emerging areas such as battery storage and sustainable transportation. The Clean Energy Business Network will also showcase new case studies from Faces Behind the Facts, a companion project profiling successful clean energy business leaders working across the industries featured in the Factbook.
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