The devastating 2017 hurricane season raised awareness of the importance of resilience in the face of natural disasters, particularly the widespread impact of extended power outages in Puerto Rico. But what exactly is energy resilience and how can resiliency be considered in our decision making processes? In this webinar, experts from the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) shared how they are approaching the topic of resiliency. The presenters gave an overview of the importance of considering energy resilience when planning and making investment decisions, followed by a discussion of how solar technology can be deployed to help mitigate outages. The webinar included a review of the findings detailed in a recent paper released by NREL and Clean Energy Group, Valuing the Resilience Provided by Solar and Battery Energy Storage Systems, which illustrates the impact of valuing resilience on solar+storage system sizing.
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Energy storage systems are here. 4.2GW of battery storage capacity was added to the U.S. grid in 2021, according to a recent report from BloombergNEF. And while much of that capacity is large scale storage systems, most of us are more likely to see the thousands of residential systems that will go in this year. Whether you are being asked to design, install, or inspect an energy storage system, you’ll want to understand the opportunities energy storage
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This webinar, organised by SolarPower Europe and supported by GET.invest, – a European programme supported by the European Union, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Austria – aims to gather African and European experts to shed light on the status and potential of solar & storage in Africa and its growth prospects. Across the world, interest has been growing around Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) as a fundamental gearwheel of the energy transition towards a renewable-based power system.
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Greentech Media
Corporations of all sizes are increasingly interested in clean energy, whether for cost savings, resilience, corporate social responsibility or a combination thereof. While corporate offtakers accounted for an impressive 22 percent of U.S. renewable power purchase agreements (PPAS) in 2018, PPAs are just one way to invest in renewables like wind and solar.While it may seem counterintuitive to first reach out to your distribution utility to buy a product they may not currently offer, utilities of all types and sizes are increasing investment in renewable energy and are willing to work creatively with businesses they serve to meet their needs.
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