The Office of Indian Energy, in partnership with the Western Area Power Administration, hosted a webinar titled “Utility-Scale Energy Development” on Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2018. In this webinar, attendees will hear about common challenges faced by tribes for utility-scale energy development, and ideas for how to approach these challenges. Speakers included Megan Day from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Glenn Steiger from Navajo Tribal Utility Authority.
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Over our nine years of conversations with dealer/partners we have noticed a wide variety of attitudes toward offering operations & maintenance (O&M)/ service plans. This includes the role it plays in business operations and customer relationships.The goal of this Webinar is to share AllEarth’s first-hand knowledge selling service plans covering over 2,500 trackers. You’ll learn from our experience to prepare you with the tools and techniques to make your service plan conversations easier and more effective. By learning how to add value to your customers’ experiences with service plans, you will deepen your customer relationships beyond their initial installation. When properly nurtured these relationships lead to positive word-of-mouth and referrals, the lifeblood of any business.
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This presentation focuses on practical and reliable solutions to climate change issues associated with power plants and how such solutions can enable far more effective use of both renewable and fossil fuels in a much more environmentally benign fashion. The mounting concerns over global warming stand at odds to the rapidly increasing use of fossil fuels in the global energy supply. Global CO2 emissions continue to increase rapidly despite great efforts to increase renewable energy. System analyses suggest that these renewable energy benefits sometimes come at very high prices and with less reliability than the fossil fuels they strive to replace. To address climate change, fossil fuel utilization must decrease dramatically. However, many analysts agree that fossil fuels will remain major contributors to global energy supplies for generations
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India's renewable energy industry is aggressively moving towards achieving the government's target of installing 175 GW capacity by 2021-22. Large-scale central and state allocations, fiscal and regulatory incentives, as well as execution support from the government through set-up of solar parks and green energy corridors are expected to drive future growth. However, aggressive bidding, payment delays and back-down of power have cast long shadows.
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