In the scope of the EurObserv’ER project, the Renewables Academy (DE), Observ'ER (FR), ECN part of TNO (NL), Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (DE), Fraunhofer-ISI (DE) and Statistics Netherlands (NL) invite you to join our free live webinar, featuring the main results of the recently released annual report “The State of renewable energies in Europe” (18th edition). The 1-hour live webinar will present the main findings of “The state of renewable energies in Europe” and its dedicated chapters on for the EU-28 on: Energy indicators Socio-economic indicators Investment indicators Renewable energy costs, prices and cost competitiveness Avoided fossil fuel use and resulting avoided costs Indicators on innovation and competitiveness International Trade
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This webinar will highlight the global solar thermal market development as well as industry and business trends in 2021. A special focus will be placed on countries that again recorded very good growth rates, but also on large-scale systems in the field of solar district heating, solar heat for industrial processes and PVT systems, which have recorded remarkable market growth in recent years. In addition, the enormous upheavals that have occurred in the Chinese solar thermal market in recent years will be presented.
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With the growth of geothermal energy ramping up in recent years, project owners and operators are under pressure to ensure that their projects are up and running on time and on budget. Understanding and adhering to the requirements and regulations relevant to geothermal projects is necessary to prevent costly rework and delays. This becomes more challenging when projects are managed internationally as different countries may have different regulations. TÜV SÜD has developed a guideline to ensure that your safety and compliance topics are covered so that you can obtain your geothermal project certification before commissioning in a timely, cost-effective way.
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This webinar will cover key technical specifications for string inverters and how those translate to savings from initial capital investment to installation and O&M. Sungrow’s 60kW and 125kW inverters will be used as case studies to show how plant reliability and power yield can be optimized. Topics to be discussed include DC/AC ratio optimization, balance of systems cost savings, O&M/Serviceability considerations, dealing with site-specific/geographic challenges, and other key product features and specifications.
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