nuclear energy technology roadmap, 29 January 2015

This webinar was held on 29 January 2015 in order to disseminate the findings from the 2015 IEA/NEA Technology Roadmap: Nuclear Energy. Prepared jointly by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Energy Agency (IEA), this Roadmap outlines the current status of nuclear technology development and the need for additional R&D to address increased safety requirements and improved economics.
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How to Accelerate and Scale Your Renewable Energy Plan

General Motors

More companies are realizing the economic opportunity in addressing climate change, such as reduced risk or cost savings. Moreover, some of these actions, such as harnessing renewable energy, directly support their brand purpose. But building and scaling a robust renewable energy program can be slow and confusing, requiring companies to traverse a complex web of decisions.
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Upcycling Waste Energy With Industrial Heat Pumps

Atlas Copco

This webinar will describe possible applications that can be served by turbocompressor-driven industrial heat pumps, discuss specific design features, and provide pointers on potential refrigerants to be used. From process heat to space or district heating – these days, thermal heat makes up a significant portion of energy demand across Europe, with approximately two-thirds of that heat being produced using fossil fuels. As a result, industrial process heat is responsible for about 20% of carbon dioxide emissions across Europe
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Is the U.S. Primed for an Offshore Wind Boom


The State of the Industry Webinar, a quarterly series moderated by ACORE and Bloomberg New Energy Finance, offers the latest intelligence and analysis on renewable energy markets, finance, and policy. With the U.S. offshore wind industry finally starting to gain momentum after years of delay, this webinar will feature discussion on the latest advances in the sector with companies who are spearheading development.
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Waste Incineration: A Dirty Secret in How States Define Renewable Energy

Institute for Local Self-Reliance

The Institute for Local Self-Reliance invites clean energy advocates and communities fighting waste incinerators to join a webinar exploring our latest report on the economic and environmental impacts of power-generating waste incinerators.
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