Power Purchase Agreement

There are many moving pieces affecting the future of electric power development in emerging market. Unlike the past Independent Power Project models, which featured standardised take-or-pay contracts – today’s market demands more innovative incentives to ensure better availability, better performance, as well as more attractive and sustainable mixtures of fuel sources. Economies throughout developing countries urgently need to master the key tools, models, and lessons learned for transforming and strengthening today’s electricity sector. These include the latest models in negotiating Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), in designing and managing new competitive power markets, as well as attracting the right mix of renewable energy sources.
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In less than one hour of your time you will learn about the research Thematic Study on Renewable Energies that provides an assessment of the United States (US) research community landscape and aims to support research and innovation cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the US. The webinar can be an effective source or tool to gain knowledge on the US research community and: To identify potential approaches to developing collaborative projects with US researchers, research groups and research organizations. To identify relevant networks that can be used as a conduit to meeting potential collaborators. To identify and assess the opportunity to participate in US funding programs related to renewable energies R&D in order to propose potential project opportunities to US research counterparts.
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2019 Indiana Renewable Energy Day Training

Solar United Neighbors

Solar United Neighbors of Indiana will be participating in an in-person Renewable Energy Day at the Indiana Statehouse on March 6th 2019. This webinar is an orientation for that event, and covers best-practices and techniques for lobbying your elected officials on solar energy.
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How to charge an EV with PV surplus energy


In our webinar we talk about the optimal use of PV surplus for stepless charging of your EV. You will get to know different ways how to load your EV as efficiently as possible and thus increase your self-consumption ratio.
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AI for Renewables: 5 Ways to Optimize Wind, Solar and Energy Storage

Being a renewable energy operator has become a lot more challenging over the past few years. Gone are the days when an operator could pick a single asset class (wind or solar), sign a long term guaranteed price PPA, and focus on generation only, with no concern about market pricing or energy curtailment. Ironically, this increase in complexity is driven by the very success that renewables have experienced over the past twenty years, adding a record 280GW of capacity in 2020 becoming the second most prevalent power generation source. As the industry has grown in size, the intermittent nature of renewables has become a bigger concern.
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