Siobhan and Nicolas will focus on the complementarity of PV and storage as a brick toward 100% renewable energy generation from the perspective of a technical and commercial advisor. Important technical aspects will be covered, such as grid connection, capex and opex savings. They will also look at the emergence of DC coupling, its advantages and limitations. Finally, to provide a wider overview of the subject from an investor perspective, Romain will discuss the specificities of project financing of hybrid PV + storage assets, such as the revenue stack, how investors view these and how the co-location can build a stronger case. A mixture of presentations and a moderated panel shall make this an interesting and interactive event.
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The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) hosted a public webinar to provide the latest updates on the development of offshore wind in New York State. This webinar covered Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s Green New Deal announcements, including $200 million of investments in port infrastructure and the ramped-up target of developing 9,000 megawatts of offshore wind power by 2035, as well as regional and industry updates, stakeholder engagement activities, and new studies and surveys.
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Greening the Grid
Affordable energy storage is sometimes referred to as the "holy grail" in the context of achieving high penetrations of solar and wind energy in the power system. With the costs of solar, wind and battery-based energy storage technologies declining dramatically in recent years, power sector stakeholders around the world are faced with policy and investment decisions related to the role of energy storage in a high-variable renewable energy system.
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Environmental Leader
For large commercial and industrial (C&I) energy users, distributed energy resources (DERs) such as on-site generation and energy storage can deliver hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual value through energy cost savings and earnings through demand response and other incentive programs.
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