In our webinar we talk about the optimal use of PV surplus for stepless charging of your EV. You will get to know different ways how to load your EV as efficiently as possible and thus increase your self-consumption ratio.
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Foundation For The Future
If we power the 300 largest cities in the world from space, we can power 40% of the global population with clean, limitless, and cheap energy – forever. Harnessing the energy from space has the potential to change everything; it can increase global GDP, literacy, education, advanced medical access, democracy, communications and raise the standard of living for every human being.
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Clean Energy Group
State decarbonization goals and visions for large-scale electrification of the thermal and transportation sectors necessitate increased and accelerated deployment of renewable and distributed energy resources (DERs). The existing electrical infrastructure and supporting interconnection and permitting processes will need to be updated to support efficient and cost-effective renewable energy deployment at scale. Common challenges that increase the cost of integrating renewables include mismatches in timing between renewable energy production and peak electricity consumption, as well as the physical distance between large renewable energy systems and electric load centers.
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ABB North America
Controlling the generation, enhancement and distribution of wind power requires rapid processing and dissemination of data to operators at the local site and at distant operation centers. Learn how to utilize available control and management systems to give wind farm operators real-time data to make operational decisions that ensure wind farm bankability.
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