Kensa Contracting
Kensa invites social landlords and local authorities to a digital workshop to help build a business case for switching to low carbon heating to protect residents from rising energy bills.
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In the scope of the EurObserv’ER project, the Renewables Academy (DE), Observ'ER (FR), ECN part of TNO (NL), Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (DE), Fraunhofer-ISI (DE) and Statistics Netherlands (NL) invite you to join our free live webinar, featuring the main results of the recently released annual report “The State of renewable energies in Europe” (18th edition). The 1-hour live webinar will present the main findings of “The state of renewable energies in Europe” and its dedicated chapters on for the EU-28 on: Energy indicators Socio-economic indicators Investment indicators Renewable energy costs, prices and cost competitiveness Avoided fossil fuel use and resulting avoided costs Indicators on innovation and competitiveness International Trade
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The State of the Industry Webinar, a quarterly series moderated by ACORE and Bloomberg New Energy Finance, offers the latest intelligence and analysis on renewable energy markets, finance, and policy. With the U.S. offshore wind industry finally starting to gain momentum after years of delay, this webinar will feature discussion on the latest advances in the sector with companies who are spearheading development.
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The State of the Industry Webinar, a quarterly series produced in partnership between ACORE and Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), offers the latest intelligence and analysis on renewable energy markets, finance and policy. The webinar will feature a quarterly market update and a discussion of key issues in financing U.S. offshore wind development. Offshore wind projects could be a major element in the growth of U.S. renewable energy over the next decade, yet significant questions remain about the financing of these large, capital-intensive projects.
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