Market Intelligence
The movement towards power generation from renewable energy sources and decreasing battery prices is driving states to explore policies encouraging energy storage. In 2018, New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts joined California and Oregon in enacting state-level storage mandates. Power producers need to analyze the various utility-scale storage technology types in-order to comply with state storage policies. Attendees will learn how to: Stay informed with news and research on the US energy storage sector to identify new technologies and changes in state policy. Leverage utility-scale energy storage data to estimate how close a state is to meeting its target. Map existing and planned energy storage projects to visualize dominant technology types of the future.
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Since the first utility “green tariffs” were introduced in 2013 to service the renewable energy demand of large commercial and industrial (C&I) customers, nearly 2 GW of deals have been done, with almost 1 GW more under negotiation. Along the way, much has been learned about how to make these programs most effective. This webinar will look at what large customers need when it comes to utility renewable energy offerings, and how utilities are meeting those needs—or falling short. As we consider opportunities to accelerate progress on utility C&I renewable energy offerings, there will be relevant takeaways for utilities, policymakers, customers, and renewable energy developers alike.
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The world of electricity generation has changed forever. Gone are the days of massive, centralised power stations sending out power in mute response to consumer demand, spewing pollution into the air as they did so.
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Sumitomo SHI FW
Advancing fuel conversions and digital services to power decarbonization. The evolution of fuel markets, C02 emission trades, and influence of net zero targets present uncertainty for requirements of future fuel portfolios. Demanding fuels, such as biomass and recycled fuels, raise the technical requirements and maintenance needs to operate at optimal levels.
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