In the scope of the EurObserv’ER project, the Renewables Academy (DE), Observ'ER (FR), ECN part of TNO (NL), Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (DE), Fraunhofer-ISI (DE) and Statistics Netherlands (NL) invite you to join our free live webinar, featuring the main results of the recently released annual report “The State of renewable energies in Europe” (18th edition). The 1-hour live webinar will present the main findings of “The state of renewable energies in Europe” and its dedicated chapters on for the EU-28 on: Energy indicators Socio-economic indicators Investment indicators Renewable energy costs, prices and cost competitiveness Avoided fossil fuel use and resulting avoided costs Indicators on innovation and competitiveness International Trade
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Assess. Reshape. Transform.

As the world is entering the new energy age, power producers are looking for affordable solutions to reduce emissions while ensuring a reliable and safe power supply. Repowering and optimization of the existing energy systems lay the foundations of cost-optimal pathways to achieving the emissions targets.
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Solar Power: A Webinar on Renewable Energy

Global Green and Healthy Hospitals

Organized by Health Care Without Harm – Asia, Global Green and Healthy Hospitals is pleased to present this webinar on solar power in the healthcare sector. Join us and our speakers from the United States, India and the Philippines who will share their expertise and experience on employing solar energy to power health care institutions. Learn about the logistical considerations, benefits, and opportunities to harness the power of the sun at your facility.
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Merchant Renewable Power


The State of the Industry Webinar, a quarterly series moderated by ACORE and Bloomberg New Energy Finance, offers the latest intelligence and analysis on renewable energy markets, finance, and policy. As renewable energy projects confront increasing competition for buyers and shorter contract terms, project owners have begun selling directly into wholesale markets, with mixed results.
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The Solar Contractor’s Guide to Accurate Irradiance Modeling


Solar irradiance, or the amount of available solar energy, at a particular location is one of the most fundamental pieces of information when designing a solar PV system. Not only does it determine whether solar is viable for the customer and, if so, the best locations for solar, it is also the most critical factor in how much energy the solar system will produce. While solar software makes it easy to calculate irradiance with the click of a button, having an understanding of how irradiance is calculated can help solar contractors better answer customer questions and ensure they’re using the best tools to provide accurate irradiance and production estimates.
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