Use of Operating Agreements and Energy Storage to Reduce Photovoltaic Interconnection Costs

State decarbonization goals and visions for large-scale electrification of the thermal and transportation sectors necessitate increased and accelerated deployment of renewable and distributed energy resources (DERs). The existing electrical infrastructure and supporting interconnection and permitting processes will need to be updated to support efficient and cost-effective renewable energy deployment at scale. Common challenges that increase the cost of integrating renewables include mismatches in timing between renewable energy production and peak electricity consumption, as well as the physical distance between large renewable energy systems and electric load centers.
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Floating Wind Farms: The Next Big Game

US offshore wind

With over 30 different floating wind system designs and concepts - some old, some new - there needs to be special considerations to allow a pathway to commercialization. The technology is so new that no market has yet deployed it at scale. This gives US floating offshore wind developers a challenge, but also an opportunity to lead the world. Floating wind farm foundations are seen as key to the long-term growth of the US offshore wind sector. After all, the US has abundant experience in the development of floating structures for the oil and gas sector. However, experts say the biggest issue is how to cut the cost of floating structures as quickly as possible. With floating wind due to be a major theme at the 4th US Offshore Wind conference in Boston on June 10-11, 2019, this webinar provides insights into how cost-reduction might be achieved.
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FERC and Clean Energy


In this webinar, John Moore, Director of the Sustainable FERC Project at NRDC, discussed some of the issues currently before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the regional markets it regulates, including the potential threats for state RPSs and related state energy policies. Among the issues he discussed are the increasing tensions between state and federal energy policies, energy storage, resilience, aggregation of rooftop solar and other distributed energy resources, PURPA, and transmission planning. This presentation was followed by a Q&A with the audience. This webinar was presented by the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) for the RPS Collaborative.
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Center for Sustainable Energy

The final installment of our Zero Net Energy (ZNE) Webinar Series showcased financing products and incentive programs for energy efficiency and renewable technologies available to support ZNE projects. This webinar correlates with technologies presented in past presentations in the series.
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Zero energy What’s the hold up?

Australian Water School

In this webinar we looked at how water businesses can become more efficient and reduce their carbon footprint, lowering water bills and making happier customers.
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