Sustainability, Energy

2023 Large-scale Renewable Energy Market Intelligence Report

July 4, 2023

2023 Large-scale Renewable
This market intelligence report is written for foreign and local investors looking to invest directly in the South African renewable energy market. It highlights opportunities in the public and private large-scale renewable energy1 market in South Africa.


Skyform Wind

Windfarm Industry Services - Skyform Wind Division is a multi-disciplined organisation offering our services within the Renewables Industry. Our highly skilled engineers are fully trained and compliant to work on both onshore and offshore Windfarm Environments.

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whitePaper | October 28, 2022

BY 2030 Nigeria reaches its 30-30-30 target, which means 30 GW of grid-connected capacity by 2030 of which 30% comes from renewables. The amount of unserved energy drops significantly in the later part of the decade, which means that a much larger portion of the population now has access to electricity. A lot of flexibility has been added to the power system thanks to ICE technology. The system is now ready to accommodate the massive renewable energy deployment planned in the 2031-2040 decade. Our model reveals that reaching the 30-30-30 target in the most cost-effective way will require $18.7 Billion of investment.

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Battery storage Stability for the energy transition

whitePaper | November 29, 2022

Renewables are expected to account for 80–90% of power generation globally by 2050. Due to their dependence on weather conditions, wind and solar power cannot provide constant baseload power during all hours of the day, and measures have to be taken to compensate for this intermittency. The good news is that such imbalances or fluctuations can be mitigated effectively using battery energy storage systems (BESSs).

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The future is energy-efficient,the future is data-driven

whitePaper | May 19, 2022

By 2050, global energy usage is projected to increase by almost 50% compared to 2020. This includes an increase in energy consumption in the industrial sector.1 At the time of writing, in the first quarter of 2022, the cost of energy – oil, gas and electricity – is particularly high, which has led to significant extra energy costs for companies, and prices are expected to increase.

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An energy transformation plan for the climate emergency

whitePaper | January 30, 2020

This report presents one strand of the pathway to a genuinely sustainable future. It is not, as so many other reports have been, about “green growth projects”. Rather, the ambition is to propose a quite different way of life that will deliver a different kind of prosperity, one that prioritises wellbeing and builds resilience via a localised circular economy.

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Consumer Protection And Empowerment For A Clean Energy Future

whitePaper | March 17, 2023

Putting consumers at the centre of the energy transition is vital to meet climate change and affordable, secure energy access goals in conjunction. This is now more important than ever, as consumers around the world face unprecedented price pressures generated by fossil fuel dependence and triggered by the turmoil resulting from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

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whitePaper | October 23, 2022

Today we witness a significant push in the country to not just drive adoption and also become a world leader in production as we scale up our manufacturing facilities and localise supply chains. This presents a huge opportunity for the industry to support the nation’s drive to become an automobile hub. However, the industry witnesses its own set of unique challenges that need to be addressed on priority. We are in the middle of critical supply chain-induced shortages, especially with the limited availability of key components such as lithium-ion battery cells and semiconductor chips in recent times.

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Skyform Wind

Windfarm Industry Services - Skyform Wind Division is a multi-disciplined organisation offering our services within the Renewables Industry. Our highly skilled engineers are fully trained and compliant to work on both onshore and offshore Windfarm Environments.
