Responsible Policies for Renewable Energy Development

September 7, 2018

The electric power industry is in a period of disruption and transformation driven largely by aging generation and grid infrastructure; declining costs for new generation resources; advances in technology, especially renewable energy and battery storage; and changing customer demands. Together, these factors have the potential to irrevocably change the electric power system, and because of this, today’s energy providers are in a position to fundamentally remake the nation’s electric system into a smarter, cleaner, more advanced grid.



Solarpack is a multinational integrated management company focusing on electricity generation projects in the field of solar photovoltaic energy. We specialize in the development, financing, construction, operation and management of solar photovoltaic generation projects.

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Solar Power In Your Community

whitePaper | June 6, 2022

Installed solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity has grown rapidly in the United States over the past decade, reaching nearly 74 gigawatts-AC as of the end of 2020. Approximately one-third of this capacity (28 gigawatts) is distributed PV, including residential, community, and commercial solar installations (Davis et al. 2021). A combination of technology cost declines, federal incentives, and state policy support have driven increased deployment and enabled more communities to access the benefits of PV. Increasingly, solar is playing an important role in local plans such as resilience planning, sustainability planning, and climate action planning.

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2023 Large-scale Renewable Energy Market Intelligence Report

whitePaper | July 4, 2023

This market intelligence report is written for foreign and local investors looking to invest directly in the South African renewable energy market. It highlights opportunities in the public and private large-scale renewable energy1 market in South Africa.

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Scaling up the American wind industry

whitePaper | January 16, 2023

With the enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act (“IRA”) in August 2022, the United States signaled its commitment to reducing emissions in line with the Paris Climate Agreement. The IRA’s reach extends across industries and, in particular, across energy technologies. Its primary achievement in the energy and climate space is the unprecedented provision of public incentives for clean energy deployment and manufacturing capacity. These incentives provide the necessary long-term certainty required by wind industry stakeholders to make large capital investments in the U.S. market, which will in turn create jobs and economic opportunities for communities across the country.

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Renewable Energy Landscapes White Paper

whitePaper | January 2, 2023

Clean energy goals and policies have dramatically shifted commerce, resource portfolios, and technology innovation in the last 20 years. As we plan ahead, we see an energy transition that creates disruptive levels of uncertainty and even greater change to our economic and energy systems. Part of planning for the future means grappling with the full significance of the transition: its tradeoffs and its effects on people and on culture.

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The Energy Crisis

whitePaper | July 12, 2022

As we experience an energy crisis that is fueling inflation with severe impact on households and businesses all over Europe and forcing factories to curtail their production or even to shut down, citizens are asked to reduce their energy consumption while governments scramble to secure alternative fuel sources. These, however, are only short-term measures, and there is no doubt that this winter will prove taxing for many.

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California Offshore Wind Industry Report

whitePaper | November 15, 2022

In the fall of 2022, Offshore Wind California, along with individual member companies, worked together to prepare a report on progress and developments in the state’s offshore wind power industry. This document updates a March 2021 document that addressed questions from staff at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). Among the highlights of the 2022 update

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Solarpack is a multinational integrated management company focusing on electricity generation projects in the field of solar photovoltaic energy. We specialize in the development, financing, construction, operation and management of solar photovoltaic generation projects.
