
Spring 2023 Solar Industry Update

April 27, 2023

Spring 2023 Solar Industry
The median reported price by EnergySage for residential PV systems increased 6.3% y/y to $2.85/Wdc – the third straight period of increase, after never having done so before. After plunging to a 1.5-year low of $20/kg in mid-January, global polysilicon spot prices rebounded to $30/kg in mid-February and then dropped to $24/kg by mid-April.



CCL Power has been born out of an ever-growing need to supply reliable power solutions to the market. CCL Power Ltd was stemmed from CCL Components Ltd, who are a well-established and respected technical distributor of power components, advice & solutions into the remote, portable and off-grid power market.

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10 Cleantech Trends in 2022

whitePaper | May 24, 2022

Renewables are already the cheapest source of new power generation in most markets across the world. Cost declines due to technology evolutions and rapid policy advancements have triggered new investments, leading to further capacity additions and price drops. In the case of solar PV, investors and governments have come to expect continuously lower capex. In recent years however, as the technologies have matured, the capex of solar and wind has declined at a slower pace and become subject to temporary supply chain hurdles, such as the past year’s escalating shipment costs, rising module prices and escalating steel costs.

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Sustainable Equity Whitepaper

whitePaper | September 14, 2022

The rise and rise of sustainable investment has been clear over the past decade, with inflows hitting all-time highs amid the pandemic, as investors reflected on the implications of their capital allocations. Additionally, national and supranational governments have given significant nudges to pension funds and other non-profit-led organisations to not just consider, but also report on how their asset selection might affect the rest of us in the long term.

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whitePaper | December 16, 2022

The successful achievement of the objectives set out in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 2015 Paris Agreement requires a rapid transformation of energy systems across the globe towards high shares and eventually 100% renewable energy. As a growing number of countries announce ambitious pledges and actions to phase out fossil fuels and enact policies in line with achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 or earlier, renewable energy will need to play a dominant role across all sectors.

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Space technology ensuring a sustainable planet for future generation

whitePaper | June 28, 2022

Last year, the world watched as billionaires took to the skies and launched themselves into space. Today, the space race has become a phenomenon, providing the ordinary person with a potential opportunity to take an extraordinary spaceflight. But there is more to space than meets the eye – through research and science, space improves people’s lives around the world by contributing to environmental monitoring, natural resource management, weather forecast and climate modelling, and early warning systems to assist in minimising future disasters.

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Adhesives Fast-Track Innovation in Solar Power Technology

whitePaper | December 13, 2022

Solar is one of the fastest-growing energy technologies in the world today, and for good reason. The fuel is “free,” and systems for converting and collecting solar energy get more efficient all the time. Installations are scalable to function in vast arrays, on individual rooftops, in community installations, and even in portable form for use in disaster recovery or other temporary applications. And because the sun delivers its energy across the entire globe, solar power does not depend on the complex supply chains – trucks, trains, and pipelines – that fossil fuels require.

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whitePaper | December 18, 2019

The world is facing unprecedented environmental challenges characterized by climate change, unsustainable resource use, biodiversity loss, water scarcity and waste production. These challenges are further exacerbated by population growth and urbanization. There is a growing global recognition of the urgency of these problems, and the mounting demand for solutions has created an economic opportunity for the countries and companies that are able and willing to develop them.

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CCL Power has been born out of an ever-growing need to supply reliable power solutions to the market. CCL Power Ltd was stemmed from CCL Components Ltd, who are a well-established and respected technical distributor of power components, advice & solutions into the remote, portable and off-grid power market.
