The Evolution of The California Energy Market

California always seems to be at the center of innovation. When it comes to sustainable and renewable energy goals, it continues to deliver by leading the evolution of our nation’s energy mix away from finite sources that dominated the 20th century to the renewables that are poised to fuel our world today and in the future. Achieving the state’s ambitious renewable energy goals, however, involves changing the way California procures, distributes, and uses energy.


Green Eco Technologies

Green Eco Technologies (GET) develops, supplies and manages innovative, efficient, and environmentally beneficial, on-site solutions for the conversion and re-purposing of food waste into reusable resources. The company’s WasteMaster food conversion system uses unique proprietary technology to accelerate the decomposition of food waste, without any additives and without odour, reducing it to a more manageable residual material, which can be re-used in positive ways such as the production of green energy through anaerobic digestion.

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Huawei Smart String ESS

whitePaper | August 19, 2022

The energy sector is responsible for more than 75% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions. Increasing the share of renewable energy across the different sectors of the economy is therefore a key building block to reach the EU’s energy and climate objectives: Cutting greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% (compared to 1990) by 2030 Becoming a climate neutral continent by 2050

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Fostering EffectiveEnergy Transition2023 Edition

whitePaper | June 22, 2023

The frontiers of the global energy transition are constantly shifting as countries attempt to emerge out of various health, geopolitical and economic crises. The “polycrisis” has forced countries to reallocate resources and implement measures to address near-term energy security and affordability constraints

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An energy transformation plan for the climate emergency

whitePaper | January 30, 2020

This report presents one strand of the pathway to a genuinely sustainable future. It is not, as so many other reports have been, about “green growth projects”. Rather, the ambition is to propose a quite different way of life that will deliver a different kind of prosperity, one that prioritises wellbeing and builds resilience via a localised circular economy.

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Deeper waters, stronger winds

whitePaper | October 18, 2022

The world is faced with three global and interconnected crises: An energy crisis, led by supply disruption and skyrocketing costs of energy; a climate crisis, caused by our historic and current greenhouse gas emissions; and a biodiversity crisis, marked by habitat degradation and biodiversity loss. These megatrends influence and exacerbate each other, making it imperative to consider them together when developing effective responses.

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The Energy Crisis

whitePaper | July 12, 2022

As we experience an energy crisis that is fueling inflation with severe impact on households and businesses all over Europe and forcing factories to curtail their production or even to shut down, citizens are asked to reduce their energy consumption while governments scramble to secure alternative fuel sources. These, however, are only short-term measures, and there is no doubt that this winter will prove taxing for many.

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The case for sustainable procurement: generating value for people, planet and the bottom line

whitePaper | September 5, 2022

With greater pressure than ever for companies to adopt sustainability, it’s important not to be left behind. This whitepaper explores why sustainability matters, and the role procurement teams have to play in championing sustainability and driving value for their organisation and supply chains.

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Green Eco Technologies

Green Eco Technologies (GET) develops, supplies and manages innovative, efficient, and environmentally beneficial, on-site solutions for the conversion and re-purposing of food waste into reusable resources. The company’s WasteMaster food conversion system uses unique proprietary technology to accelerate the decomposition of food waste, without any additives and without odour, reducing it to a more manageable residual material, which can be re-used in positive ways such as the production of green energy through anaerobic digestion.
