Strategy and Best Practices, Energy

The future is energy-efficient,the future is data-driven

May 19, 2022

The future is energy-efficient
By 2050, global energy usage is projected to increase by almost 50%
compared to 2020. This includes an increase in energy consumption in the
industrial sector.1
At the time of writing, in the first quarter of 2022, the
cost of energy – oil, gas and electricity – is particularly high, which has led
to significant extra energy costs for companies, and prices are expected to


Renewable Watts Canada

We are committed to providing the best of the best in residential and commercial solar energy products. We provide everything from start to finish for whatever project you have in mind. We are able to provide services to all of Southern Ontario.

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whitePaper | November 29, 2019

Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) to determine the potential opportunity for integrating renewable energy into industrial process heat applications in Australia. This report documents the analysis undertaken by ITP in conjunction with Pitt&Sherry, the Institute for Sustainable Futures, Sustainability Advice Team and Beyond Zero Emissions. It highlights technology options for renewable process heat applications across Australian industries and provides indicative cost estimates for renewable energy compared with fossil energy.

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Spring 2023 Solar Industry Update

whitePaper | April 27, 2023

The median reported price by EnergySage for residential PV systems increased 6.3% y/y to $2.85/Wdc – the third straight period of increase, after never having done so before. After plunging to a 1.5-year low of $20/kg in mid-January, global polysilicon spot prices rebounded to $30/kg in mid-February and then dropped to $24/kg by mid-April.

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whitePaper | September 30, 2022

The Southeast Asia region will see rapid economic growth in the coming decades and energy use is set to grow significantly. Today, the region stands at a crossroads. On the one hand, it can pursue a path of continued reliance on fossil fuels, most of which come from non-indigenous sources, increasing the region’s emissions and exposure to volatile and increasingly expensive global commodity markets. On the other, the region could utilise its ample, affordable, indigenous renewable energy resources to lower energy costs, reduce emissions and drive regional economic development. This second edition of the Renewable energy outlook for ASEAN was developed in collaboration the ASEAN Center for Energy (ACE) and the ASEAN Renewable Energy Sub-sector Network. It is guided by IRENA’s World energy transitions outlook and builds upon the first Renewable energy outlook for ASEAN, released in 2016, by incorporating a net-zero pathway and a longer-term perspective to 2050.

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Energy Transition in PJM:Resource Retirements, Replacements & Risks

whitePaper | February 24, 2023

Driven by industry trends and their associated challenges, PJM developed the following strategic pillars to ensure an efficient and reliable energy transition: facilitating decarbonization policies reliably and cost-effectively; planning/operating the grid of the future; and fostering innovation.

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Renewable Energy Price Risk Management at the Energy Exchange

whitePaper | February 28, 2020

With subsidy schemes being gradually phased out across Europe, renewable energy assets are entering the world of merchant risk management and energy trading. Whilst PPAs are one tool to set a baseline for prices that can be relied upon by developers and banks, there remains a price risk when exposed to wholesale market movements. For several decades, energy trading has primarily been the territory of utilities, trading houses and banks. Now, renewable energy project developers and offtakers exposed to wholesale prices must learn how to employ the financial products available to manage the risk exposure to variable prices.

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Clean Power Generation

whitePaper | December 30, 2019

As a critical infrastructure developer, owner, and operator of power generation facilities in North America and Europe, this utility markets a wide range of clean energy products from a portfolio of natural gasfueled, solar, and wind energy generation projects. With over 6,600 MW of utility-scale renewable and natural gas-fueled power generation facilities globally, this utility prides itself on being North America’s largest independent wind power generation company.

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Renewable Watts Canada

We are committed to providing the best of the best in residential and commercial solar energy products. We provide everything from start to finish for whatever project you have in mind. We are able to provide services to all of Southern Ontario.
