
The Incredible ULCS – Ultra Low Cost Solar

August 24, 2023

The Incredible ULCS
Urgent action must be taken to accelerate Australia’s progress towards 43 per cent emissions reduction by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050. Solar photovoltaics (PV) will be one of the most important technologies to achieve decarbonisation of the global energy system, however, a step change in costs is needed to unlock its full potential.


Clean Energy Corporation Australia

Clean Energy Corporation Australia is a national leader in clean energy services. We make clean energy available to businesses, schools, non-profits and government organisations at a lower cost than traditional non-clean energy sources. Our approach is to install systems to the highest engineering standards while providing comprehensive data around how your clean energy solution benefits the environment and financially.

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Scaling up the American wind industry

whitePaper | January 23, 2023

Since its inception in the 1980s, the wind industry has established itself as a critical source of clean, renewable energy – a role it must maintain into the future. Going forward, the continued growth of the global wind industry will prove ever more important, with DNV estimating that 5.6 terawatts of onshore wind energy and nearly three terawatts of offshore wind must be generated to achieve a “pathway to net zero” scenario by 2050

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Scaling up the American wind industry

whitePaper | January 16, 2023

With the enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act (“IRA”) in August 2022, the United States signaled its commitment to reducing emissions in line with the Paris Climate Agreement. The IRA’s reach extends across industries and, in particular, across energy technologies. Its primary achievement in the energy and climate space is the unprecedented provision of public incentives for clean energy deployment and manufacturing capacity. These incentives provide the necessary long-term certainty required by wind industry stakeholders to make large capital investments in the U.S. market, which will in turn create jobs and economic opportunities for communities across the country.

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Securing the Energy Transition

whitePaper | January 12, 2023

Energy security and affordability present global challenges, but both are integral elements of a successful energy transition, alongside sustainability to mitigate climate change. The current energy crisis is driving inflation, slowing economic growth and contributing to social turmoil. Some choices made by countries in response to the crisis, such as improving energy efficiency and scaling renewables, will be beneficial for the wider energy transition. But other actions – including increased production of electricity from coal and broad-based consumption subsidies – put longterm energy transition imperatives at risk, while leaving those countries more vulnerable to future crises and putting global climate goals out of reach.

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Reforming Electricity Market Design: Integrating Renewables to decarbonize the Power Sector

whitePaper | October 24, 2022

There is an urgent need to rethink the structure of the European energy system. The current geopolitical situation across the continent, combined with high dependency on imported natural gas, growing electricity demand, and consequently, higher bills for households and businesses needs the immediate attention of policymakers.

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The EU’s Plan to Scale Up Renewables by 2030 Implications for the Power System

whitePaper | April 12, 2022

Scaling up renewable energy (REN) is paramount for climate protection and energy security, but it is also a major industrial challenge for the European Union (EU). The REPowerEU plan requires multiplying the installed capacity for solar photovoltaic (PV) power by a factor of 3 and raising wind capacity by a factor of 2.5 in less than 8 years from now.

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Achieving carbon-neutral IT systems with Kubernetes,Operator, and Rust

whitePaper | January 12, 2023

To address climate change, countries around the world have set a goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. This presents a challenge for the IT industry, because with the dizzying progress of the information society, power consumption of data centers is expected to increase around 850 times by 2050. As a result of these targets, the index of CO2 emission has begun to be adopted as an evaluation point of IT systems.

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Clean Energy Corporation Australia

Clean Energy Corporation Australia is a national leader in clean energy services. We make clean energy available to businesses, schools, non-profits and government organisations at a lower cost than traditional non-clean energy sources. Our approach is to install systems to the highest engineering standards while providing comprehensive data around how your clean energy solution benefits the environment and financially.
